Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rustica blows me away

So I haven't blogged in err... a very long time. However I felt the need when I saw Maxwell Graff's new furniture set. It's to die for, seriously. Most of the pieces are 2-3 prims, and the cusions and (optional) table runners, covers, and pillows are all changeable with the extensive hud he included. There are an absolute tonne of both texture and colour options so you can really get wild. This set is absolutely ideal for when you haven't got a lot of prims to play with. The lights turn on and off, and all of the drawers have multiple open/closed settings. When you lay in the bed, the cover (on both sides of the bed) moves to cover you.

It comes in a number of different wood finishes as well. This one's Cherry.


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